
/* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /*
   2  *   Compound Text word statistics and search report
   3  *
   4  *   common.c : external common value difinition
   5  *
   6  *                                           Copyright(c) isao yasuda, 1998 
   7  */
   8 static char *rcs_id = "$Id: common.c,v 1.3 2008/05/04 13:11:31 isao Exp $";
  10 #include <stdio.h>
  11 #include "staslova.h"
  13 char ver[] = "1.3, May. 4 2008, Copyright(c), isao yasuda, 1998-2008 "; 
  15 unsigned char task = (STAT | MTCT);        /* Task kind -s -m -a           */
  16 char casemode = '0';                       /* Case control option          */
  17 char outmode = '2';                        /* Output level option          */
  18 unsigned char lprf[3] = {
  19         JIS,
  20         CYRIL,
  21         (ASCII | LATIN1 | LATIN2 | OTHER)
  22 };
  23 char langjis[] = "Japanese";
  24 char langcyr[] = "Cyrillic";
  25 char langlat[] = "Latins  ";
  26 char *langname[3] = {                      /* Language names conrol        */
  27         langjis,
  28         langcyr,
  29         langlat
  30 };
  32 unsigned char word[MAXTOKEN+3];            /* Word text edit work out1     */
  33 unsigned char *text;                       /* Word text edit work input    */
  34 unsigned char *wordp;                      /* Word text edit work out2     */
  35 unsigned char *stock = NULL;               /* Expression stock pointer     */
  36 unsigned char esc_save[4] = " ";           /* ESC sequence save            */
  37 unsigned char kanji_esc_save[5] = " ";     /* ESC sequence kanji save      */
  38 unsigned char type = '\0';                 /* Expression type              */
  39 unsigned char lang = BASE;                 /* language control             */
  40 unsigned char G0 = ASCII;                  /* Compound Text G0 control     */
  41 unsigned char G1 = LATIN1;                 /* Compound Text G1 control     */
  42 int escfg0 = 0;                            /* ESC sequence flag G0 1:wrote */
  43 int escfg1 = 0;                            /* ESC sequence flag G1 0:yet   */
  44 int wc;                                    /* Signifcant word counter      */
  45 int erc = NORMAL;                          /* Error code                   */
  47 unsigned char ks0[MAXKS+1];                /* Separator definition table   */
  48 unsigned char ks1[MAXKS+1];
  49 unsigned char ks2[MAXKS+1];
  50 unsigned char ks5[MAXKS+1];
  51 unsigned char js[MAXJS+1];
  52 unsigned char kc0[MAXKC+1];
  53 unsigned char kc1[MAXKC+1];
  54 unsigned char kc2[MAXKC+1];
  55 unsigned char kc5[MAXKC+1];
  56 unsigned char jc[MAXJC+1];
  57 unsigned char kp0[MAXKP+1];
  58 unsigned char kp1[MAXKP+1];
  59 unsigned char kp2[MAXKP+1];
  60 unsigned char kp5[MAXKP+1];
  61 unsigned char jp[MAXJP+1];
  63 struct cdent *cdtbl[MAXCOND+1];            /* Matching condition table     */
  64 unsigned char *lp[MAXSELINE+1];            /* User's definition lines      */
  65 int seno;                                  /* Se command number            */
  66 int cdno;                                  /* Matching condition number    */
  68 struct wdent *langroot[3] = {              /* root pointer for languages   */
  69         NULL, NULL, NULL
  70 };
  71 unsigned char **wdpa;                      /* Word struct pointer array    */
  72 unsigned char **cap = NULL;                /* Wdent array pointer          */
  73 unsigned char no0[MAXLINE+1];              /* input text buffer no.0       */
  74 unsigned char no1[MAXLINE+1];              /* input text buffer no.1       */
  75 unsigned char no2[MAXLINE+1];              /* input text buffer no.2       */
  76 unsigned char *mtp[3] = {                  /* text buffer pointer array    */
  77         NULL, NULL, NULL
  78 };
  79 int clp = 0;                               /* current pointer no           */
  80 int lno = 0;                               /* input line no                */
  81 int wdtotal;                               /* total count of words in tree */
  82 int wdcount;                               /* total count of words         */
  83 int wdnum;                                 /* number of word in tree       */
  84 int pwdptc;                                /* number of word position      */
  85 int usrwdptc = 8;                          /* user max number of pwdptc    */

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